Radiating Cable Clamps

Cable Clamps for Radiating Cables. FIMO radiating cable clamps offer a wide range of solutions for a fast and secure installation of cables in railway, motorway and underground tunnels.

ISA 8 | Insert with M8 Nut

RAC | Radiating Cables Clamps

DRA | Spacer

MEI | Spacer

RAW | Radiating Cable Clamps

RSD | RAW Security Device

R10-80 | Plug

SPS | Screw

MFI | Steel Anchor

MF | Galvanized Steel

RAX + COL | Radiating Cable Clamps

KIT SCC + COL | Safety Collar

RAR | Radiating Cable Clamps

RAP | Hanging Cable Collars

RAF 8 | Clamps



Australia: sales@avw.com.au
Syd: 02 8213 0200  Mel: 03 8691 5210 
Qld: 07 3607 3785 WA/SA/NT: 08 8120 3203

New Zealand: sales@avw.co.nz
Akl: 09 271 4000 Wel:  04 499 3888

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